Happy users and still saving resources? Just consult Slefty. We analyse the best public service usage process and deliver you the ideal fix for everyone.
Feasibility studies
Before doing, think. Before you determine the project ou allocate resources, consult us. We provide you with technical studies, justified with process simulation and the Slefty's team expertise. We increase the likelihood of succes for new constructions. We save you costs, risks and time.
Process Analysis
Our process simulations and analysis will not only save you expenses as they'll prevent the all-to-ordinary negative impact that public service complexity tends to have on the user. Our work is not finished until all parties are in favour.
Structural Design
Slefty's specialist team will make sure the structures needed to raise your new building or infrastructure meet the functionality and architecture requirements.
Building Information Modeling
Wouldn't it be so much better to have a real time 3D containing all interventions of all specialists? Less conflicts, shorter lead times. It would be. It is. Let us build one model with all this information. See your building's future before you even "set the first stone".